AML Watchlist Screening: Guide to Check Crime and Sanctions Lists

To safeguard its financial standing and cultivate a reliable clientele, every company must have a comprehensive AML compliance procedure, which includes watchlist screening. Watchlist screening is especially helpful in the financial industry since financial institutions often cross paths with scammers or fraudsters. Keep reading to understand everything about Watchlist screening.

What is Watchlist Screening?

Watchlists are electronic records that compile information and profile individuals from high-risk countries, politically exposed persons (PEPs), individuals in adverse media, money laundering criminals, and cyber criminals.

Governments and international agencies collaborate to make global watchlists. This way, when businesses and groups want to do business with high-risk people, they can check these retribution records to see if they’re listed on them.

People and companies on the blacklist are generally considered high-risk because they are involved in illegal activities or have links to terrorist groups, money laundering, or other illegal activities.

KYC Hub's AML Screening and Monitoring Solution

How Does Watchlist Screening Work?

  • Global watchlist screening is essential for financial institutions to find and prevent financial crimes like money laundering, supporting terrorism, and scams. A financial institution’s AML program uses information from various listed sources to screen customers thoroughly.
  • These watchlists have information about people or companies that are not allowed in certain fields, such as banking, health care, and agriculture. The first step in the screening process is to check the person’s name using accurate information from several sources.
  • After the person’s or entity’s name has been confirmed, the system checks the person or thing against different watchlists, including global and government ones. The banking company is informed when a match is found with one of the watchlists.

This lets companies figure out the amount of danger and what kind of services the client will get or not get.

What are Watchlist Sources?

Financial Institutions employ AML screening solutions to fetch accurate data stored on various sources, some of which are:

  • List of sanctions consolidated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the European Union (EU)
  • Denied individuals list of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) worldwide.
  • Interpol, inter-government, and state-specific agencies databases.
  • FATF’s greylists and blacklists of non-cooperative countries and infamous for money laundering.
  • The information offered by SEC and  FINMA –  higher authorities and independent regulatory bodies.

What Is AML Crime and Sanctions Watchlist Screening?

  • Screening against watchlists is an essential part of an AML compliance program. Businesses that are supposed to follow the rules against money laundering must make sure they know if the names of their customers or business partners are on specific lists.
  • These files have the names of criminals, people thought to be terrorists, people who have been sanctioned, and publicly exposed people who are likely to be the target of bribes and corruption.
  • Crime and punishment list checks are often called “watchlist screening.” Government and law enforcement agencies keep track of and update crime and punishment records. The Red Notice from Interpol, the EU Consolidated Sanctions List, and the Most Wanted and Fugitives List from the FBI are all examples.
  • As with any name-matching technology, it is essential to ensure that AML crime list screening tools can understand sound similarity, translation, spelling, and meaning similarity.
  • This is so you don’t stop or send a harmless person whose name is the same as a criminal’s, which would be a fake positive.
  • Importantly, this lets you avoid false negatives, which would happen if a criminal’s name could be spelled differently or the writing on their ID papers could be read in multiple ways.

Why Is Crime Watchlist Screening Important?

If your business has to follow AML rules, screening against crime lists is a legal requirement. If the proper checks aren’t done during the hiring process, the following could happen:

  • Hefty compliance fines: Due diligence (AML) penalties are generally calculated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars since their purpose is to be prohibitive for financial institutions.
  • Becoming instrumental in money laundering: You also need to think about the legal and business effects of letting thieves use your product or service, which means you’re helping to hide money.
  • Reputational damage: If caught not following AML regulations, it will hurt your standing with investors, business partners, workers, customers, and the general public.

One of the most challenging parts of watchlist monitoring is figuring out how to do it right without making the hiring process too complex. You want as few false negatives as possible because they mean you’re not following the rules. On the other hand, you don’t want too many false positives because they can slow down the customer path and your process. After all, each one needs to be checked by a person.

What is Sanctions Screening

Examples of AML Crime and Sanctions Watchlists

Some companies sell memberships to their watchlists or include access to them with their AML tools, but states and law enforcement agencies usually make their records public. Some things that are on crime and punishment watchlists are:

  • Interpol Red Notices: A Red Notice is a request to find and arrest a person anywhere before a court case.
  • FBI’s Most Wanted: On its website, the Federal Bureau of Investigation lists the people it wants to catch the most.
  • SECO: A list of individuals, locations, corporate organizations, and ships controlled by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland. The list is made to make sure that embargoes against trade partners who are not wanted are followed.
  • EU Consolidated Sanctions List: lists all the companies, people, and groups under EU penalties.
  • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network watchlists: Lists that FinCEN keeps, which were initially made to meet the needs of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). If you dive into the websites of government bodies in smaller nations, you can uncover hundreds of other watchlists.
  • OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) Sanctions List
  • World Bank Debarred Entities List
  • UN Security Council Sanctions List

How to Check Crime and Sanctions Watchlists?

Checking if someone’s name is on an AML watchlist can be done in several ways, from basic searches to more advanced tools that sometimes have more features.

One of the ways is to look for it on your own. Since so many watchlists are open to the public, all you have to do is read the list. Even though you could build an internal script or tool to do this, it’s not scalable because you must go through dozens or hundreds of crime and punishment lists.

This is where tools for AML will be helpful. Your AML solution can find possible matches in many databases by typing the name into a search box.

Note, though, that you should think about the following when choosing a watchlist screening tool:

  • Does the tool scan databases that are relevant to you?

If you’re simply looking at enormous datasets in the incorrect place, it’s simple to make a mistake here. If you conduct business in Asia-Pacific, working with a global AML provider whose databases are limited to the US and the UK may be problematic.

  • How does the tool handle names?

A key challenge with name searches is to find spelling variations, different alphabets (Chinese or Arabic characters, for instance), and even nicknames.

  • How effective are the tool’s algorithms?

To limit the number of false negatives caused by typos in spelling, most AML systems will use fuzzy matching. Also helpful is a feature that provides a score indicating the degree to which the system is specific that a particular result is correct. Because of this, you can automate the following AML processes and know who needs human review.

  • Is there additional functionality you require?

Depending on the vendor, AML watchlist screening may be performed with PEP, KYC, or fraud checks, which can reduce data silos and save money on operating expenses.

The Challenges of Watchlist Screening for Businesses

Watchlist screening, integral to safeguarding against security threats and financial crimes, confronts businesses with multifaceted challenges. Managing these hurdles effectively ensures compliance, minimizing risks, and upholding operational efficiency.

1: False Positives

One of the key obstacles in watchlist screening is the prevalence of false positives. Automated systems often generate false alarms, flagging individuals or entities incorrectly. This issue not only burdens operational resources but also increases the risk of overlooking genuine threats amidst a sea of inaccuracies.

2: Replication and Inefficiency

Many firms have a mix of home-grown and commercial tools for watchlist management, leading to replication and inefficiencies in control frameworks. The lack of a unified, strategic approach complicates maintenance and increases the risk of errors or system breakdowns.

3: Human Error

Human error poses another significant challenge in watchlist screening. Manual processes increase the likelihood of inaccuracies in data entry, leading to erroneous matches or overlooking genuine threats. Such errors undermine the efficacy of screening efforts, compromising the ability to identify actual risks.

4: Complex Landscape

The sanctions and watchlist landscape is a constantly shifting terrain. Political developments, frequent updates from global entities, and varying regulations across jurisdictions contribute to this complexity. This continuous evolution necessitates a proactive approach to stay abreast of changes and adapt screening mechanisms accordingly.

5: Regulatory Scrutiny

Regulators are intensifying their scrutiny of how financial firms manage watchlist data. They expect faster implementation of sanctions changes into detection tools, aiming for near-immediate updates rather than overnight or same-day turnarounds. Regulators also seek standardization and harmonization of processes for easy explanation and accessibility of results.

How KYC Hub Screens AML Crime Lists?

With the help of the fraud management system KYC Hub, you may quickly discover as much as you can about your consumers. By doing this, scammers are weeded out, and loyal clients are rewarded with the finest possible service. The KYC Hub’s AML screening module and extra AML features are a part of our products.

The AML API can be combined with one or more other modules to optimize workflows. You can check customers against crime lists, sanctions screening lists, high-risk names, and PEP lists, all available in multiple character sets and with fuzzy matching. Using the same dashboard for fraud prevention, customer profiling, and AML, KYC Hub enables businesses to streamline risk management and compliance operations while maintaining efficiency and security.

Are you ready to begin? Contact us now to learn more about our solutions, or book a free demo.

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