AML Red Flags: What are Top 10 Indicators?

Red flag indicators in Anti-Money Laundering can vary depending on the country and industry, but they can be a helpful indication of suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity. This blog will explore some of the most common AML red flags to help businesses identify and address money laundering risks.

Before diving into the AML red flag indicators, it’s essential to understand precisely what Anti-Money Laundering is and why companies should be aware of it.

What is Anti-Money Laundering?

Anti-Money Laundering or AML is a set of regulations that detect and prevent money laundering activities. Money laundering involves using several steps to conceal illegal activities or hide the proceeds of a crime. It is a legal requirement for businesses to be aware of AML regulations and understand their responsibilities when it comes to detecting money laundering activities.

The Importance of AML Compliance

AML compliance is important for companies and individuals, as money laundering activities can often lead to more significant financial crimes and fraud. A list of Red flags in AML helps companies identify suspicious behaviors that might indicate illegal activities. By being aware of the potential red flags associated with money laundering, businesses can better protect themselves from financial crime and ensure they comply with AML laws and regulations.

What are AML Red Flags?

AML Red flags are usually large transactions, structuring, layering property transactions, rapid movement of funds, the use of anonymous entities, transactions with high-risk countries, and unexplained wealth increase.

What are the AML Red Flag Indicators?

The AML red flag indicators include sudden changes in spending habits, large cash withdrawals, unusual transfers, and any activity that appears out of the ordinary. Additionally, businesses should look into any company or account not local to a customer, as this could be suspicious.

Top 10 AML Red Flags Indicators

Here is a quick Red flags for AML are:

  • Frequent, Large, Or Unusual Transactions
  • Structuring
  • Layering
  • Use Of Anonymous Entities
  • Unexplained Wealth Increase
  • Suspicious Geographic Activity
  • Unusual Wire Transfer/Transaction Patterns
  • Large Cash Transactions
  • Adverse media
  • Jurisdiction Risk

1. Frequent, Large, Or Unusual Transactions:

When frequent or large transactions occur, and large amounts are transferred or deposited quickly, it can indicate money laundering activity. Banks and financial institutions should monitor transactions and look for ones that are inconsistent with normal customer behavior.

2. Structuring:

Structuring involves breaking up a large sum of money into smaller deposits over multiple days or weeks to avoid detection by authorities. Often, these transactions are repeated daily or weekly and involve the same bank account and unusual transactions.

3. Layering:

This is a more involved stage of money laundering where large sums of money are broken down into multiple layers using various financial institutions, accounts, and assets to obscure the source of funds. Investigators should look out for multiple transfers between different accounts in an attempt to launder funds and avoid detection.

4. Use Of Anonymous Entities:

Criminals may use anonymous companies and multiple accounts to move funds to hide their identity and make it more difficult for law enforcement to trace the money. These cash transactions could come from a ‘business account’ or somewhere else in the world. If a firm is not local to a customer, it can be beneficial to look further into it as a precaution.

5. Unexplained Wealth Increase:

When a person’s wealth or assets suddenly increase or increase faster than a reasonable explanation expected from legitimate sources, this could indicate possible money laundering or private funding.

6. Suspicious Geographic Activity:

Suspicious geographic activity should be monitored and investigated, such as customers and related persons traveling to countries with weak or no AML regulations.

7. Unusual Wire Transfer/Transaction Patterns:

Unexpected wire transfer patterns between bank accounts should also be closely monitored. This could include multiple transfers of small amounts that add up to a large sum or transfers of funds between countries with weak or no anti-money laundering regulations.

8: Large Cash Transactions:

Large cash transactions should also be monitored for money laundering activity. Criminals may attempt to pass off large sums of money as legitimate business expenses by breaking the transaction into smaller deposits over multiple days or weeks.

8. Unusual Sources:

Transactions from unusual sources should be thoroughly investigated to ensure funds are used for legitimate purposes and not to facilitate criminal activity. This includes transfers with no apparent economic purpose, transactions with unknown parties, or transfers that appear to be designed to solve suspicious activity. If a firm is not local to a customer, it can be beneficial to look further into it as a precaution.

Additional red flags in AML to look out for include deception or secrecy from a client, criminal activities and connections, new clients, and, in some cases, early repayment of mortgages.

9. Adverse media:

If a customer has been mentioned in negative news media anywhere in the world, it may be necessary to conduct extra checks. This is because it could raise the risk of money laundering. Companies should make sure that their adverse media screening is in line with commonly known criminal activities.

10. Jurisdiction Risk:

Some nations or jurisdictions are notorious for their high levels of corruption, unstable administrations, or money laundering havens. They may also have insufficient AML/CFT regulatory and judicial structures, or they may face economic repercussions. Transactions involving these nations should be closely scrutinized as AML red flags.

aml red flags

How Can Businesses Address AML Red Flags?

Businesses need to be aware of the AML red flags we’ve listed and take steps to ensure that their AML policies are up-to-date. Companies should also have a system to monitor customer activity, detect and investigate suspicious transactions, and report them to the relevant authorities if necessary. This can be done by filling in any suspicious identification documents so that law enforcement is aware.

Additionally, businesses should train employees regularly on identifying and addressing potential money laundering activities. Companies can keep their operations safe from any money laundering activity by understanding the typical AML red flag indicators and taking the necessary steps to protect their customers and business transactions from potential financial crimes.

This is where investing in AML solutions can be particularly useful. Not only do they help ensure compliance with AML regulations, but they also enable businesses to detect and report suspicious activity. Here at KYC Hub, we’re dedicated to providing businesses with the tools and resources to effectively protect against money laundering. Our AML solutions have been designed to help businesses identify and address AML red flags quickly, accurately, and efficiently. For more information, please get in touch with us today.

Key Takeaways on the AML Red Flags

  • Large transactions, structuring, layering property transactions, the use of anonymous entities, and unexplained wealth increases are five common AML red flags for money laundering.
  • Businesses should have an adequate AML policy to detect and address suspicious activity and currency transactions.
  • Investing in AML solutions can help businesses comply with regulations and better monitor customer activity.
  • KYC Hub provides businesses with the tools, legal services, and resources to protect against money laundering.

KYC Hub's AML Screening and Monitoring Solution


This article has helped to give you a better understanding of the common red flags in money laundering and how businesses can protect themselves against them. Remember, compliance is vital, and investing in an effective AML solution can help ensure regulations are followed, and suspicious activity is reported to the relevant authorities. For more information on our AML solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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